Friday, December 21, 2007

Coke VS. Pepsi

I'm not quite sure what to say. Im here for extra credit... lol But its really all the same. Its like Backstreet Boys or Nsync or Star Wars or Star Trek their basically the same. People always like one or the other. There are so many blogs about Coke and Pepsi. People like one or the other because of little things like there is more fizz in pepsi than there is in coke and thats just a theory. Pepsi started making different flovors and so did coke but i think Coke made more different kinds of flavors than pepsi did.

Plus pepsi is not that pricey than Coke. You may find them the same price at some stores but they say that Papsi makes more money. Personally they both taste the saem to me i don't know what the fuss is about but whatever.

And when you look at revenues, the gap is even more dramatic. Coke is trading at 7 times estimated 2002 sales while Pepsi is trading at 3.5 times 2002 revenue estimates. Both companies are expected to post slight declines in sales this year and an increase of about 4 percent in 2003. Due to this disparity in valuation. Coke is still the market share leader in soft drinks. One of the main reasons the stock has outperformed Pepsi this year was because it reported a better than expected gain in unit volume in the first quarter. And the company has taken steps to cement its carbonated beverage lead as well gain ground in the bottled water market. (Coke and Pepsi both have their own brands of water, Dasani and Aquafina, respectively.)

It is wierd but cool how people can go on and on about the silliest things. This might now be silly to some people but it is to me i mean come on its just a drink. Lol

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