Thursday, December 13, 2007

Myspace.... the new fad!!

im sure that everyone either has or ahs heard of myspace before! its seems like everytime you sign on to myspace you have a new friend or someone is asking you how to work their myspace because they just got theirs. but what really is myspace?? How did it start?? these are the questions that we are wondering.
Myspace alone is bigger then yahoo!, youtube, and google. It has millions of from more then 23 countries. Myspace was founded in 2004 by Tom Anderson and Chirs Dewolfe. In 2005 Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. bought the website for $580 million. Most of the money that myspace makes comes from the adveritising that goes on on the pages. Mostly for movies and new tv shows, or different web sites.
Tom and Chirs got the idea for their website from They thought that it would be a fun idea to create a socioal networking site, that could potentially get bigger then
its thanks to Tom and Chris for their hard work, that we can enjoy myspace when we get home from school.

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