Thursday, December 13, 2007



Walmart is a monopoly and, as far as most people see it, say that monopolies are bad, right? So then why do we still let cooperations like walmart, take over our towns and destory the buisnesses that are there? Beside the fact that walmart does give a lot of people jobs, it only hurts more than it helps. They like to inport a lot of their products from other counrties, making the US loose more jobs, probably more jobs than the stores themselves give back to the county. Plus, do we really know if the items that they inport are really quality items. In order to keep their 'always low prices' they have to buy in on cheap merchindise, jipping good paying constumers of their money. So, people do like going to walmart becuase they do have low prices, but you know what they say, you get what you pay for and when people pay for low prices, they're getting low quality products.
So, i ask you again, is walmart really all that's cracked up to be? The, good, family owned companies that they like to throw out of buisness, are probably better for the community than they are all together. At least these small companies buy their products inside the US instead of going elsewhere. Plus, if one single walmart kicked ten small buisnesses out of there homes, they're taking away as many jobs as they're giving back, accomplishing nothing on the subject of job giving. Again, i say that walmart hurts more than it helps.
Finally, for my closing statement, i would like to say that taking walmart away from the US probably wouldnt hurt the economy at all. There are plenty of other stores out there like K-mart and Target, stores that, as far as we know, doesnt practice the same underhanded things as we know walmart does. In fact, i would probably have to say that taking walmart away from out country would probably help it a lot more than it is doing now.

(couldn't upload picture go to for a pic)

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